Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Executive Meeting Feb. 28, 2012

The Executive discussed a number of community items at the MCA meeting.
Fundraising is a priority to raise money for the Community Fair and Barbeque in the spring as well as to fund a Meadowgreen sign on the corner of 22nd Street and Witney Avenue. Community members will be asked to purchase tickets to support the project in the coming month.
Soccer registration has begun, if your child wishes to play in the Saskatoon outdoor soccer league please contact Yvonne at 955-0035 asap. Children ages 3 to 10 are able to play in this league.
March 20th is the Community meeting to discuss Citizen Patrol/Crime and the South Circle Drive/11th Street/ Bridge. Residents are invited to attend the meeting at W.P. Bate School at 7 p.m. in the Community Room to hear from the Saskatoon Police and the City's Infrastructure Services people.
Graffitti in Meadowgreen is on the rise. Citizens are reminded to first photograph the graffitti and then clean it off their property. The Police want citizens to report all incidents of graffitti. It is important to remove tags immediately as this is how gangs establish their territory by tagging the area with their colors/name etc. If you think something is happening in our community that should be reported to the Police please contact Bob as he is our representative on the Saskatoon Police Community Committee for Central Division.